Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween

Dad had lots of spare mil surplus gear lying around, and with me being lazy, I decided to just cobble up his fatigues and gas mask to go with the whole Fallout / 28 Days Later look for Halloween. It went well, one of the kids even went "woah!" and I went and breathed ominously at kids' faces.

The Quarantine Zone.

With Candy Bag.

Lurking in the shrubbery.

Behold, my evil sistor's true form.

With Captain America and... NINJA!

Someone else in fatigues!

The Answer to Infection is here! It is candy!

Thoughts on the Occupy Movement

A friend asked me "what happened to the American dream" and "is the American dream dead?" and I was gonna quote Watchmen and quote the Comedian, who said cynically as he was teargas shotgunning people: "What happened to the American dream? It came true, you're looking at it!"

But then, I realized, that the American dream hasn't died. No, it's born again. In the shape, size and form of these protesters. They are fighting for the American dream. They are its last, best hope. For peace.

It's morning again in America.

Think about it, the masses are actually fighting to regain the nation's soul. This mere act, that those chuds are willing to march out en masse and get themselves tear gassed in the face by all the authoritarian establishment-cuckolding pricks out there, no matter if "they don't have a coherent plan" or some shit, but just out of sheer moral outrage at all that's wrong in your country, this is actually beautiful. It reinvigorates ones faith in a nation, in a country, in a people. You'd think all was lost, but you see this, and you realize that it's not lost, and there's still something there that's good, that's right, that's worth fighting for.

Those masses of littering yuppies and unemployed folk and bedraggled veterans and poor people and college students and whatnot, screaming in youtube, sleeping in the streets, tenting and defying the establishment by getting brutalized by the po-lice and just expressing themselves for all to see and hear - they are America, and they are what makes that nation great. They are the American Dream.

And shame on all those who disdain them, those who spit at them or strike them down, those who mock them or deride them or ridicule them, because if you want to be all melodramatic and poetic about it, you can say that what these lowly protesters are doing is either the last gasp of a dying country, or the first breath of a nation reborn from the womb of turmoil into a brave new world of limitless possibilities. The twilight comes before both dusk and dawn, they are the sun of the nation, whether they fall or rise and herald the coming night or a brand new day.