I really don't get why people are so upset when countries like China start behaving like America/the First World. Get iPods made by underpaid Third World employees who need to have nets outside their windows so they won't jump off their workshops and suicide. Outsource call centers to underpaid foreigners working at obscenely late hours of the night helping answer the dumb questions of dumb Americans. Enslave illegal immigrants who cross the border and make them do carpentry and have them harvest craps. Everyone wants to be America, man. This is why China is doing what its doing. Because it wants to be America. (Because this is what America does to the rest of the world) China wants to be First World.
This is the greatness of America. Contrary to popular opinion, the world doesn't hate America, the world is not repulsed by America. No. The world wants to become America! That is why it is both so beautiful and so horrible.
There can only be NONE!
They saw what America did, and what America did was magnificent. This is why I believe America will never fall, by the way. It cannot fall. It's impossible. Never. Ever. America is America. Defeat is absurd.
The reason why people (Americans) loathe what's happening around the world is because what they're seeing isn't China, it isn't Russia, it isn't the Third World, it isn't anyone. It's America. The reason why these countries do it is because they want to be America. That is why America is God's most beautiful creation. It lies. It says freedom this, democracy that, but as it does so, while its people enjoy all their iPods and consumer electronic shit and branded products, all the hardship and torture and depravities have been basically outsourced to the Third World. It's hypocrisy. But the greatness of America lies not in its hypocrisy, for all nations are by definition hypocrites. What makes America so great is that other nations want to partake in America's hypocrisy out of their own free wills, they want to join America, they want to lie with it. There is no coercion, there is no threat. Because deep down inside all of them is an American waiting to come. America came, and they want to join America in coming.
No other country has ever done something this great. But America did it. No other country has done it and no other country will ever do it again. What America has achieved is something never before seen in history. So what if America falls? So what if China replaces it? In doing so, China will merely become a new America, an America Two. Rejoice in this. For in this, America will never die. This is the truth of America.
God bless America.
China becomes more like the U.S. of A every day.
African Miners Shot By Chinese Managers
China Embargoes Rare Earth MineralsA backlash against China's powerful presence in the Zambian economy has been triggered by an incident in which 11 miners were shot by Chinese managers.
China, which has been blocking shipments of crucial minerals to Japan for the last month, has now quietly halted some shipments of those materials to the United States and Europe, three industry officials said this week.
America should be proud of its firstborn son.
When China no longer oppresses its own people, and instead outsources suffering and death to worthless countries whose people are not as important as Chinamericans, then we can say that it has achieved the lofty standards of Western/First World civilized society. I think China should try its best to do this, so it will no longer have the moral failings people criticize it for. Then it can be a truly free, just and fair society.
It will become America.
Personally, I think it's absolutely hilarious that the entire world let China have a monopoly on rare earth minerals to begin with.
ReplyDeleteIt's hilarious. ‘Murrikans try so so hard to be the most powerful army in the world. They spend more money than the rest of the world combined on guns and soldiers and stuff, and then they just abandon their resource security because producing it themselves would be to expensive.
It is the work of the glourious free market! Hooray!